Cookies Like Mama Made, Part 1

At 5 AM on a winter morning, I was whistling my way to the barn to tend to our critters when I slipped and fell into an ice puddle. Soaked to the skin and freezing, I slammed through the chores, collected eggs, milked the goat, then shivered to the back porch where I...

A Handful of Mud

Photo by Debi Squire At daybreak on Friday of creation, the Lord God Almighty reached out of heaven and took a handful of clay‑-red clay, a plentiful type containing grit for strength but stubborn to mold. However He is patient. He spoke every other element in...

The Death of Little Miss Perfect

Photo by Debi Squire It must be hard to be Little Miss Perfect. I’m guessing about that. I wouldn’t know. I’m an imperfect perfectionist. That’s hard enough. My parents didn’t put unrealistic expectations on me. Did they expect me to walk on water? Heal the sick?...

Squash or Gourds?

Photo by Debi Squire When we lived on the farm, Hubby planted a garden enough to feed a small third world nation. Once the seeds were in the ground, weed control was all mine. While our babies slept, I’d charge forth to battle weeds. I couldn’t help but marvel over...