Raccoon Raid

Photo by Daleen Keithley A gang of hungry racoons taught me peace needs to be defended. John and I stared at our ravaged sweet corn patch. What a mess!” The rest of the garden was untouched, but little handprints in the mud told the tale: Raccoons had been in the...

Pursing Joy

Don’t pursue joy: Pursue Christ. If you seek the gift alone, it will flee from you. If you seek Christ alone, the gift will come to you. Seek the Giver: not the gift. You were created for Joy. Look for...

Squash or Gourds?

When we lived on the farm, Hubby planted a garden big enough to feed a small third world nation. Once the seeds were in the ground, hoeing was all mine. While our babies slept, I’d charge forth to battle weeds. I couldn’t help but marvel over the Divine enchantment...