Cookies Like Mama Made, Part 1

At 5 AM on a winter morning, I was whistling my way to the barn to tend to our critters when I slipped and fell into an ice puddle. Soaked to the skin and freezing, I slammed through the chores, collected eggs, milked the goat, then shivered to the back porch where I...

Eight-in-one Cookies

All cookies are best hot from the oven, so I mix up this entire batch, divide it into eight, 1-cup sections, make each section into a long roll about 1-inch in diameter, and freeze each roll in separate zipper bags. When I am expecting guests or I feel like baking...

Deadheading the Past

I deadhead my garden almost every day. It keeps my flowers looking great by extending their time in bloom. If I neglect to cut off the spent blossoms, the plant may go dormant or set seed. When I work in the garden, God often reveals truths to me. Last Saturday, as I...

For the Birds

The sun was shining, and birdsongs filled the air. It was time to clean and refill bird feeders. Feeders attract birds I ordinarily wouldn’t see such as cedar waxwings, orioles, all kinds of woodpeckers, and more. Wild bird food can be slim pickings in early spring...

A Tale of Mama Cat and Chicky

We were swimming at a neighbor’s farm pond when we noticed one of his sons carrying something small, black, and fuzzy to the water’s edge. Naturally, we wanted to know what he had. It was a newly hatched bantam rooster. He was planning to drown the little chick....