Squash or Gourds?

Photo by Debi Squire When we lived on the farm, Hubby planted a garden enough to feed a small third world nation. Once the seeds were in the ground, weed control was all mine. While our babies slept, I’d charge forth to battle weeds. I couldn’t help but marvel over...

Raccoon Raid

Photo by Daleen Keithley A gang of hungry racoons taught me peace needs to be defended. John and I stared at our ravaged sweet corn patch. What a mess!” The rest of the garden was untouched, but little handprints in the mud told the tale: Raccoons had been in the...

Pursing Joy

Don’t pursue joy: Pursue Christ. If you seek the gift alone, it will flee from you. If you seek Christ alone, the gift will come to you. Seek the Giver: not the gift. You were created for Joy. Look for...

Squash or Gourds?

When we lived on the farm, Hubby planted a garden big enough to feed a small third world nation. Once the seeds were in the ground, hoeing was all mine. While our babies slept, I’d charge forth to battle weeds. I couldn’t help but marvel over the Divine enchantment...

What Do You Have?

The prophet’s widow didn’t have much, but she had her two sons—temporarily. Somewhere along the way her husband ran up a bill. Since she didn’t have any money, the creditor was coming to sell her sons as slaves. She appealed to Elisha for help. Elisha didn’t open his...

A Time for Everything

Solomon wrote general instructions for wise living, It is knowing what time it is so we can respond appropriately. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8—NIV a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down...