by Rebekah Binkley Montgomery | May 23, 2020 | Good Reads
A businessman was having a terrible time getting anything accomplished. He was distracted. Constant interruptions plagued him. At the end of the day, he faced a pile of unfinished work and felt like a complete failure. The businessman hired a consultant who charged...
by Rebekah Binkley Montgomery | May 23, 2020 | Good Reads
I am not a born leader. As the seventh of 8 children, I was born a follower, lost in a crowd of siblings. Like David, who was considered “least among his brethren,” God saw something in me not apparent to anyone — including me — and singled me out for leadership. But...
by Rebekah Binkley Montgomery | May 23, 2020 | Good Reads
Whether you are planning a one-time event or an on-going Bible study, below are a few guiding principles that will smooth out the planning wrinkles and help your program be more effective: Set a Goal How you plan your event depends upon your goal for having it. And...
by Rebekah Binkley Montgomery | May 23, 2020 | Good Reads
My 7 siblings and I grew up the fishbowl of a prominent pastor’s home. Everybody watched and commented on EVERYTHING we “PK’s” or preacher’s kids did. And we gave them plenty to talk about. There were two unwritten rules for being a good PK: Don’t say or do anything...
by Rebekah Binkley Montgomery | May 23, 2020 | Good Reads
Echoing through the twisting limestone passageways of Jerusalem’s Old City was the tapping cadence of the Greek Orthodox bishop’s scepter. Dressed in liturgical costume, the bishop also swung a smoking brazier of incense in rhythmic arcs as he led a cluster of solemn,...
by Rebekah Binkley Montgomery | May 23, 2020 | Good Reads
To the eyes of a western evangelical Christian, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher might seem over-embellished, creepy, and in need of a good housecleaning. Oil lamps and religious-looking do-dads hang everywhere and the air is filled with incense. Some of the...