by Rebekah Binkley Montgomery | May 23, 2020 | Good Reads
It was a mistake. I knew it then and I admit it now. I was in Atlanta attending a conference where I didn’t know hardly anyone. Lonely, I decided to telephone an old friend living there. He came down to my hotel, picked me up, and you can guess what happened next: He...
by Rebekah Binkley Montgomery | May 23, 2020 | Good Reads
Once upon a time, germs were mothers’ biggest worry when they dropped off children in the church nursery. Today, it is pedophiles. And don’t think pedophiles are all male. Mary Kay Letourneau and others are part of a growing trend toward violent female behaviors,...
by Rebekah Binkley Montgomery | May 23, 2020 | Good Reads
A businessman was having a terrible time getting anything accomplished. He was distracted. Constant interruptions plagued him. At the end of the day, he faced a pile of unfinished work and felt like a complete failure. The businessman hired a consultant who charged...
by Rebekah Binkley Montgomery | May 23, 2020 | Good Reads
I am not a born leader. As the seventh of 8 children, I was born a follower, lost in a crowd of siblings. Like David, who was considered “least among his brethren,” God saw something in me not apparent to anyone — including me — and singled me out for leadership. But...
by Rebekah Binkley Montgomery | May 23, 2020 | Good Reads
Whether you are planning a one-time event or an on-going Bible study, below are a few guiding principles that will smooth out the planning wrinkles and help your program be more effective: Set a Goal How you plan your event depends upon your goal for having it. And...