My 7 siblings and I grew up the fishbowl of a prominent pastor’s home. Everybody watched and commented on EVERYTHING we “PK’s” or preacher’s kids did. And we gave them plenty to talk about.
There were two unwritten rules for being a good PK:
- Don’t say or do anything that will be an embarrassment to the Lord or your parents’ ministry. (This one was hard to do.)
- Listen. Don’t talk much. Ministry is about others and their needs, not you and yours. (I aced this one!)
As a result, I was wary of sharing any struggle, sorrow, or joy with other Christians. I may have been going through a fiery trial, but I sat as silent as a sphinx. I would have rather died — literally! (See: When Heaven Goes Silent.) I hid what God was doing in my life — the sad, joyous, tragic, and blessed — under a bushel of self-effacement — all in the name of “ministry.”
But Jesus addressed this directly when He said, “People don’t light a lamp and hide it under a bushel. They put it where it can give light to the whole household. In the same way, let your light shine so people will praise your Father in heaven for your good deeds.” Matthew 5:15-16: paraphrase.
While my faults, mistakes, and tears might have embarrassed my earthly father, my Heavenly Father wants me to share the Light He has placed in me — however flickering and imperfect — to glorify Him. How freeing, but oh, how difficult for me. The Lord had to set my bushel on fire by piling on things I cannot hide — like physical affliction — to get me out from under it!
To better understand how I could share or advertise the helping, healing, redeeming power of Christ at work in me, I turned to advertising gurus and compared their ad principles with what I found in the Word. So here are some rules for GK’s (God’s kids) for sharing the story of salvation and redemption that will enhance — not embarrass — our Heavenly Father’s reputation:
A good testimony draws attention to the Lord without claiming credit for the person. Again, I reference Matthew 5:16. The point is for others to praise God for your good deals, not to sing your praises. We only have to think of the testimony of Nicky Cruz to remember the transforming power and love of Jesus and give God the credit.
“Advertising is only evil when it advertises evil things,” said advertising genius David Ogilvy. Another spokesman named David put it this way: “They shall speak of Your glorious kingdom and talk of Your power to advertise Your might to all mankind.” (Psalm 145:11, 12: para)
David Ogilvy also said, “I have a theory that the best ads come from personal experience. Some of the good ones I have done have really come out of the real experience of my life, and somehow this has come over as true and valid and persuasive.” Peter and John agreed and said, “We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” (Acts 4:20)
© Rebekah Binkley Montgomery 2005
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