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There is a saying: Deeds are seeds. If you sow thistle seeds don’t expect a crop of corn. And there is this one: If you can’t be a good example, you can always be a horrible warning. The women in Ancient Secrets of Ten Bible Women are very human and a lot like us. You will find yourself in its pages with instructions on eradicating the thistles in your life and planting seed that will grow a bumper crop of blessing rather than serve as a warning.

You may be familiar with the women in this study. What’s different about this study is it will teach you how these women were victorious when all hell attacked and what you should do. From the examples of their lives you will know the secret of bold, unshakeable confidence in the mountain-moving faith in the promises of God. Each of the ten women profiled experienced God in a unique way. Their circumstances varied. Yet God met them where they were. As these women were receptive to what God was developing in their lives, each received a custom-made blessing from His hand. You can receive a blessing from God, too.