(Rockford, Ohio) Rebekah Binkley Montgomery and Abundance Books announce the release of “Hunt the Straight Path Home,” a coming-of-age novel set in the past that addresses issues Christians face in the present.

Set in 1916 in rural Rockford, Ohio, Eliza is angry with God when her prayers for her mother’s healing are not answered, and Eliza’s mother dies in agony. Forced to drop out of school to assume her mother’s chores, Eliza sees her dream of attending nurse’s college disappearing. A chance encounter brings Eliza face-to-face with a man she secretly loves. He points her to a learning path where her dreams can be realized. Lost in a blizzard, her life is saved by a mysterious man whom she is forced to marry.

Set on the cusp of World War 1, her new husband enlists on their wedding day, leaving Eliza in the clutches of a handsome doctor with carnal designs on her. Will Eliza give in to his demands or will she hunt until she finds the straight path home?

Subjects addressed in “Hunt the Straight Path Home”:

  • the hazard-prone transition young adults must make when they go from their parents’ faith to their own
  • anger at God when life is painful and disappointing
  • prayers that go unanswered
  • why the innocent suffers
  • abortion and underprivileged or handicapped children
  • when and how to separate from parental authority
  • sexual harassment in the workplace
  • exploitation and abuse of children
  • other contemporary subjects. A full list is available upon request.


“Hunt the Straight Path Home” is author Rebekah Binkley Montgomery’s 9th book with four sequels to follow. She has been an international conference speaker and Bible teacher for more than 50 years. They have 3 living children and 3 living grandchildren. She and her high school sweetheart husband John have been married for 52 years and live in Decatur, Indiana.

Rebekah Binkley Montgomery is available for interviews and a list of interview questions is available upon request.

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